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American Professional Agency, Inc. (APA) is now affiliated with Zur Institute!

Save up to 25%!!!

Policy holders receive discounted CE packages.

Get your 5% Risk management discount & continuing education credits simultaneously!

Psychologist: Get up to a 10% discount on your annual premiums when you purchase any of the 2 packages below and complete the 3 CE credit Risk Management course and a 6 CE credit course of continuing education credits!

  • American Professional Agency Inc. offers to its policy holders a 5% discount on their annual insurance premiums if they take the online course on “Risk Management: The Suicidal Patient” for 3 CE credits.  (This offer does not apply to social workers.).
  • The Zur Institute is offering the “Risk Management: The Suicidal Patient” online course as part of 2 different packages of online CE courses. Therefore, if you are insured by American Professional Agency Inc. and you complete the online courses in any of the packages below, you will receive 5% off your annual insurance fee. (Again, this offer does not apply to social workers.)
  • If you are a licensed psychologist who is insured by American Professional Agency Inc. and complete any additional 6 CE credit course you will get an additional 5% discount on your insurance premium (Note: This offer is only applied to psychologists who hold a psychologist’s professional liability policy.).  Therefore, psychologists who complete the courses in the packages below, will receive an additional 5% off their annual insurance fee.
  • It is your responsibility to submit your certificates of course completions to the insurance company at the time of your renewal in order to receive either of the above discounts.
  • All the courses in the three packages below are approved for continuing educations for psychologists, social workers, counselors, marriage and family therapists. You can use these courses as part of your license renewal. Details regarding the Zur Institute accreditations

Risk Management: The Suicidal Patient – 3 CE credits $44.50

Risk Management Package 1: 11 CE Credits  $123

Tokens cannot be used on this Savings Package

Risk Management Package 2: 10 CE Credits  $109 

Tokens cannot be used on this Savings Package