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Meditation & Psychotherapy

The past 20 years or so have seen mounting scientific evidence as to the impact of meditation on our brains, our mood, and our overall health. Modern scientific techniques using such tools as the MRI and EEG have helped to document the immediate, as well as long-term, effects of meditation on the brain. As a consequence of regular meditation, the size of specific brain regions have been shown to increase — regions associated with such things as compassion, understanding others, mindful awareness, ability to concentrate, and so on. Meditation is now a mainstream health care method for dealing with stress, pain reduction, fibromyalgia, cancer, and coronary artery disease.

And yet, in the fast-paced 21st Century life, where is there room for spirit and meditation? With millions of people suffering from depression, anxiety, addiction, eating disorders, and lives devoid of healthy love and connection, it’s clear that the inner world can use more attention and better nurturing. Amidst all this separation and degeneration, there is a great deal of learning and deepening of consciousness happening in the culture as well.

With so much spiritual abundance blossoming, we are overjoyed to present this newest course with Dr. David Van Nuys.