NEW Annual Membership Programs Learn More

Courses By Subject

Course format may include Articles, Audios, and/or  Videos. Course format is marked clearly on the course pages.

Transcripts are included for Audios and Videos.


Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania for Licensure Renewal New!

Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: PA requirements for child abuse recognition and reporting for all mental health professionals
2 CE

Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania for New Licensees New!

Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: PA requirements for child abuse recognition and reporting for all mental health professionals
3 CE

Child Abuse Recognition, Assessment, Reporting, and Prevention in Psychotherapy, Counseling, and Nursing New!

Course materials include articles, audio, transcripts, and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Child Abuse
7 CE

Identifying Human Trafficking: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals New!

Developed by K Thomas, LPCC, NCC
Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Michigan mental health professionals
2 CE

Addiction & Substance Abuse

15 CE

Aging & End of Life Issues

Clinical Issues With Older Adults New!

Course materials include articles and audio.
4 CE

Attachment Theory & Therapy

3 CE

Trauma and Attachment: Theory and Practice

Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
3 CE

Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Certificate Program in Autism Across the Lifespan: Adult and Child Emphasis

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) & Children: Best Practices in Diagnosis and Care
  • Interventions in Autism: Helping Clients Stay Centered, Connect with Others, and Engage in Life
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Differential Diagnoses
  • Autism in Females: Overlooked & Underserved
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Every Clinician Needs to Know
17 CE
1 CE

Is my Client on the Spectrum? Dispelling Myths About Autism Diagnoses New!

Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
1 CE

Children, Adolescents & Parenting

Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania for Licensure Renewal New!

Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: PA requirements for child abuse recognition and reporting for all mental health professionals
2 CE

Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania for New Licensees New!

Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: PA requirements for child abuse recognition and reporting for all mental health professionals
3 CE

Child Abuse Recognition, Assessment, Reporting, and Prevention in Psychotherapy, Counseling, and Nursing New!

Course materials include articles, audio, transcripts, and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Child Abuse
7 CE
1 CE

Couples Counseling

Achieving Success in Couples Therapy: Advanced Strategies for Better Outcomes New!

Developed by Marty Klein, Ph.D.
Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
2 CE
3 CE

Therapeutic Approaches to Working with Pornography

Developed by Marty Klein, Ph.D.
Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
3 CE

Working With Infidelity: Online and Offline New!

Developed by Marty Klein, Ph.D.
Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
4 CE


Clinical Issues With Older Adults New!

Course materials include articles and audio.
4 CE
3 CE

Diversity & Multicultural Counseling

California Cultures and the Social & Psychological Implications of Socioeconomic Status

Course materials include articles and chapters.
Fulfills Requirement: California Culture and the Social and Psychological Implications of Socioeconomic Status Diversity and Multicultural Issues
15 CE

Culturally Responsive Counseling with Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders New!

Course materials include articles, audio, and transcripts.
Fulfills Requirement: Diversity and Multicultural Issues
4 CE

Culturally Responsive Mental Health Care: Supporting members of the Black, Asian, Latino/Latina, and LBGQTI+ communities New!

Course materials include articles, audio, transcripts, and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Diversity and Multicultural Issues
4 CE

Identifying and Working with Antisemitism in Clinical Settings New!

Developed by Liya Levanda, PsyD
Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
2 CE

Mandated Reporting through the Lens of Racial & Social Justice: Ethical and Clinical Considerations

Course materials include audio and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
2 CE

Understanding and Counseling Native Americans

Course materials include articles and chapters.
Fulfills Requirement: Diversity and Multicultural Issues
4 CE

Working With and Counseling Latin American Clients New!

Course materials include audio, chapters, interviews, and transcripts. audio, chapters, articles, and one interview with transcripts
Fulfills Requirement: Diversity and Multicultural Issues
4 CE

Domestic Violence/ Intimate Partner Violence

Identifying Human Trafficking: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals New!

Developed by K Thomas, LPCC, NCC
Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Michigan mental health professionals
2 CE

Intimate Partner Violence

Course materials include articles.
2 CE
3 CE

Intimate Spousal and Partner Violence Updated!

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles, audio, interviews, and transcripts.
15 CE

Ethics, Law, Boundaries

25 Ways to Protect Your License

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
2 CE

Boundaries & Dual Relationships: The Ethical Way

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions. NY Ethics Psychologists
3 CE

Boundaries in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical and Clinical Considerations

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
2 CE

CA Law and Ethics for Mental Health Professionals

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Pre-licensing requirements for CA LPCCs and Professional Ethics for all professionals. Check with your state board if you have any questions.
18 CE

California Law and Ethics for Social Workers, MFTS, & Counselors New!

Developed by Sage Breslin, PhD
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Law and Ethics for CA MFTs & LCSWs
3 CE

California Law and Professional Ethics  Updated!

Developed by Sage Breslin, PhD
Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for California Mental Health Professionals
12 CE

California Professional Ethics for Psychologists Updated!

Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for CA Pyschologists
4 CE

Dual Relationships Package Deal

  • Boundaries & Dual Relationships: The Ethical Way
  • Boundaries in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical and Clinical Considerations
  • Managing Multiple Relationships in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical and Clinical Considerations
11 CE

Ethical Decision Making in Psychotherapy: On Being Moral, Ethical and Professional

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
4 CE

Ethics For New York Mental Health Professionals Updated!

Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: NY Ethics All Mental Health Professionals
3 CE

Fees in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Clinical Ethical and Management Considerations

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
3 CE

Florida Ethics Course for Psychologists New!

Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for FL Psychologists
3 CE

HIPAA Made Practitioner Friendly: Ethics, Law, and Updated Regulations

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
4 CE

HIPAA Made Practitioner Friendly: Ethics, Law, and Updated Regulations – No Forms New!

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: California and other states’ ethics and legal requirements
4 CE

Law & Ethics Savings Package

  • Ethical Decision Making in Psychotherapy: On Being Moral, Ethical and Professional
  • 25 Ways to Protect Your License: Ethics and Legal Considerations
  • Confidentiality in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical, Legal, & Clinical Issues
10 CE

Managing Multiple Relationships in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical and Clinical Considerations

Course materials include audio and chapters.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
6 CE

Mandated Reporting through the Lens of Racial & Social Justice: Ethical and Clinical Considerations

Course materials include audio and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
2 CE

Medical Error Prevention for Mental Health Professionals

Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Florida Medical Errors
2 CE

Myths and Faulty Beliefs Regarding Ethics and the Standard of Care in Psychotherapy & Counseling

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include audio and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
2 CE

Power in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Rethinking the ‘Power Differential’ Myth and Exploring the Moral, Ethical, Clinical, and Practice Issues of Power in Therapy New!

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
4 CE

Record keeping in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical, Legal and Clinical Issues

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
3 CE

Record keeping in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical, Legal and Clinical Issues (with Clinical Forms)

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
3 CE

Retirement of Therapists: Ethical, Legal, Clinical and Psychological Considerations

Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
2 CE

Risk Management: Towards Ethical Risk Management Practices

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
4 CE

Standard of Care in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Shedding Clarity on an Elusive Standard

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include audio and transcripts.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
1 CE

Subpoenas and How to Handle Them: Ethical and Legal Considerations

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
1 CE

Termination in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical, Legal, and Clinical Issues

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles, audio, transcripts, and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
4 CE

Therapists In the Movies: Exploring Ethics &Therapeutic Boundaries

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
4 CE

To Zip or Not To Zip (One’s Lips), Therapist Self-Disclosure: Ethical and Clinical Considerations

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
3 CE

Touch in Therapy I: The Ethics of Touch in Psychotherapy & Counseling

Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
4 CE

Health Psychology

Pain Management: Psychological & Non-pharmacological Approaches

Course materials include articles. contains published journal articles
Fulfills Requirement: Michigan requirement for pain management
2 CE
6 CE


HIPAA Made Practitioner Friendly: Ethics, Law, and Updated Regulations

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
4 CE

HIPAA Made Practitioner Friendly: Ethics, Law, and Updated Regulations – No Forms New!

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: California and other states’ ethics and legal requirements
4 CE

LGBTIQ+ Affirming Therapy

Helping LGBTQI+ Clients Become & Stay Resilient New!

Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
1 CE
4 CE

Mandatory Reporting

Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania for Licensure Renewal New!

Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: PA requirements for child abuse recognition and reporting for all mental health professionals
2 CE

Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania for New Licensees New!

Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: PA requirements for child abuse recognition and reporting for all mental health professionals
3 CE

Mandated Reporting through the Lens of Racial & Social Justice: Ethical and Clinical Considerations

Course materials include audio and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
2 CE

Mental Health Disorders & Treatments

Contemporary and Emerging Treatments for Depression

Course materials include articles and audio.
4 CE

Gun Violence and Mass Shootings: How Mental Health Professionals Can Help New!

Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
2 CE

HIV/AIDS Assessment, Treatment, and the Role of Mental Health

Developed by Glenn Marks, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: HIV-AIDS
7 CE

Mental Health Considerations in the Assessment and Treatment of those with HIV/AIDS

Developed by Glenn Marks, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles.
Fulfills Requirement: HIV-AIDS for Florida pre-licensure
3 CE

Pain Management: Psychological & Non-pharmacological Approaches

Course materials include articles. contains published journal articles
Fulfills Requirement: Michigan requirement for pain management
2 CE
6 CE

Mindfulness, Meditation & CAM

Mindfulness Based Approaches to Therapy

Course materials include articles and audio.
4 CE

Movie-Based & Cinema Therapy

Cinema Therapy Savings Package

  • Therapists In the Movies: Exploring Ethics &Therapeutic Boundaries
  • Positive Cinema Therapy with Children and Adolescents
  • Cinema Therapy – Using the Power of Imagery in Films for the Therapeutic Process
14 CE

Therapists In the Movies: Exploring Ethics &Therapeutic Boundaries

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
4 CE

Neuroscience & Neuropsychology

3 CE

Psychopharmacology – A Comprehensive Overview

Course materials include articles, audio, and chapters.
Fulfills Requirement: Psychopharmacology
15 CE

Professional Resources for Practice

Fees in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Clinical Ethical and Management Considerations

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
3 CE

Psychological Testing: Psychometrics and Clinical Applications

Course materials include articles and chapters. contains published journal articles & book chapters
Fulfills Requirement: Psychological Testing
15 CE

Record keeping in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical, Legal and Clinical Issues

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
3 CE

Record keeping in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical, Legal and Clinical Issues (with Clinical Forms)

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
3 CE


3 CE

Psychopharmacology – A Comprehensive Overview

Course materials include articles, audio, and chapters.
Fulfills Requirement: Psychopharmacology
15 CE


Assessing and Treating PTSD in Veterans: Considerations for Professionals, Families, and Patients

Developed by Glenn Marks, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: CT State Veterans
3 CE


Therapeutic Approaches to Working with Pornography

Developed by Marty Klein, Ph.D.
Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
3 CE
3 CE


Suicide Assessment and Intervention New!

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles, audio, interviews, and transcripts.
Fulfills Requirement: Suicide
6 CE

Suicide Prevention: Assessment, Treatment, and Management of Risks New!

Course materials include articles, audio, and transcripts.
Fulfills Requirement: Pennsylvania’s suicide prevention course requirements for all mental health professionals
1 CE

Supervision & E-Supervison

Adopting a Trauma-Informed Lens in Clinical Supervision New!

Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Supervision
6 CE

Enhancing the Supervisee Experience

Course materials include articles and audio. Published journal articles, original articles & audio
Fulfills Requirement: Supervision
4 CE

Fundamentals of Supervision

Course materials include articles, audio, transcripts, and video.
Fulfills Requirement: New Jersey Supervisors Supervision
6 CE

Supervision II: Advanced Topics, Ethics and Law

Developed by Sage Breslin, PhD
Course materials include articles and audio.
6 CE
3 CE

Supervision Package – 15 CE

  • Telesupervision in Psychotherapy and Counseling: Ethical, Legal, Technological, and Clinical Considerations
  • Fundamentals of Supervision
  • Advanced Topics in Clinical Supervision
15 CE

Supervision Package – 16 CE

  • Enhancing the Supervisee Experience
  • Fundamentals of Supervision
  • Advanced Topics in Clinical Supervision
16 CE

Supervision Package – 21 CE

  • Fundamentals of Supervision
  • Supervision II: Advanced Topics, Ethics and Law
  • Supervision III: Supervision Specific to Social Work
  • Supervision: Advanced Topics, Ethics, and Law
21 CE

TeleMental Health & Digital Ethics

6 CE
3 CE

Elevating the Art of Online Therapy

Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
3 CE

Ethics of Social Media for Mental Health Professionals: Pitfalls & Possibilities New!

Course materials include articles, audio, and transcripts.
Fulfills Requirement: Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
3 CE
1 CE

Provision of Mental Health Services via Telehealth: Legal, Ethical and Clinical Considerations

Developed by Glenn Marks, Ph.D.
Course materials include articles and audio.
Fulfills Requirement: California Board of Behavioral Sciences one-time requirement for telemental health
3 CE

TeleMental Health and Digital Ethics

  • Elevating the Art of Online Therapy
  • Provision of Mental Health Services via Telehealth: Legal, Ethical and Clinical Considerations
  • Best Practices in Telemental Health: Therapy Reinvented
  • Social Media Ethics for Mental Health Professionals: Exploring Perils & Possibilities
  • Getting Started with Telemental Health: Covering the Basics & Beyond
  • Digital Ethics: Keeping Abreast of Clinical and Ethical Considerations
  • Video Therapy: Advancing Our Skills By Using What We Know
21 CE

Therapeutic Orientations

A Brief Overview of EMDR New!

Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
1 CE

An Introduction to AI in the Mental Health Field New!

Developed by Glenn Marks, Ph.D.
Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
1 CE

Anger Management

Developed by Sage Breslin, PhD
Course materials include audio and transcripts.
3 CE

Certificate Program in Jungian Psychotherapy

  • Jungian Psychotherapy Part V: Myth, Story, and Synchronicity
  • Jungian Psychotherapy Part IV: Active Imagination
  • Jungian Psychotherapy Part III: Tools and Applications
  • Jungian Psychotherapy Part II: Exploring Jungian Archetypes
  • Jungian Psychotherapy Part I: Understanding the Jungian Worldview
26 CE

Myths and Faulty Beliefs Regarding Ethics and the Standard of Care in Psychotherapy & Counseling

Developed by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Course materials include audio and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Professional Ethics for all professions. Check with your state board if you have questions.
2 CE
6 CE

Psychological Testing: Psychometrics and Clinical Applications

Course materials include articles and chapters. contains published journal articles & book chapters
Fulfills Requirement: Psychological Testing
15 CE

Trauma and Attachment: Theory and Practice

Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
3 CE
6 CE

Trauma and Loss

Ambiguous Loss

Course materials include articles, audio, interviews, and transcripts.
4 CE
6 CE

Trauma and Attachment: Theory and Practice

Course materials include audio, transcripts, and video.
3 CE
7 CE

Trauma and PTSD

Crisis & Trauma: Assessment and Treatment of Acute and Prolonged Symptoms New!

Course materials include articles, audio, and video.
Fulfills Requirement: Crisis and Trauma Counseling requirement for pre-licensure for LPCCs in CA
15 CE